Lent 2024 | Week 6: JESUS

Every week on Sunday we will be posting a new set of reflection questions based on themes and areas of our lives that are important to look at on a deeper level. We hope this is a chance to take some time to look inward, to process, to ask intentional questions about your life and bring those reflections to God, asking him to show us what is going well and what might need to change.

The sixth area of life we are going to reflect on is Jesus.

Why Jesus: Reflecting on how we think of Jesus can give us a lot of insight into how we are doing spiritually.  Just as we can get into relational ruts with others, we can get into a relational rut with Jesus too if we allow the status quo to just keep us going.  Taking time to ask ourselves how things are going and how we are feeling about a certain relationship is a great health check to see if everything is going well or if some things might need to change.

Reflect: Here are some reflection questions to help you work through this topic.  Feel free to answer all of them or just some, and if you’re not sure of the answer, try journaling about why you’re not sure of it…it may just help you figure it out!  If you’re an extrovert or a verbal processor, try going through these questions with a friend!

  • Who do I picture Jesus to be?  What attributes do I associate with him?  What do I think his personality was like?
  • How connected or close to Jesus do I feel?  What do I think is causing that closeness or distance?
  • How do I think about Jesus’ dying on the cross?  Grateful? Ashamed? Questioning its necessity? Confused?
  • If Jesus was sitting right across from me now, what would I ask him or say to him?
  • What do I think Jesus would say back to me?
  • How do I think Jesus fits into the “good life” God wants for me?

Pray with me: Jesus, you are an important part of my life.  Show me where you want to meet me today.  Reveal to me your true self and strip away all the misconceptions I have of you.  Increase the intimacy of our relationship and open my heart to you.  Help me follow you in your way, everlasting. Amen.

Bonus: If you make it through the thematic list of journaling prompts this week and would like some more general ones to guide you, try some of these:

  • Am I noticing any changes in myself or my spiritual life as I journey through Lent?
  • What has been heavy on my heart or mind today?
  • How do I feel today? What am I worried about or excited for?
  • How do I need God to show up for me today? Is there anything I need to ask him for?
  • How have I seen God show up for me in the past?  What has he already done or been doing in my life?
  • What am I grateful for today?

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